Chuan Lu (@orcuslc)


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Install FEniCS on Ubuntu 18.04 with conda and jupyter notebook


First of all, DO NOT build from source because there will be en error when compiling DOLFIN.


  1. Install FEniCS with conda:
    conda create -n fenicsproject -c conda-forge fenics
    source activate fenicsproject
  2. Install nb_conda_kernels:
    conda install nb_conda_kernels
  3. Install other packages to this environment: ```bash conda install -n fenicsproject tensorflow pytorch matplotlib scipy =======
  4. Copy libstdc++ to the environment where the version installed is too old:
    cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ~/.conda/envs/fenicsproject/lib/
  5. Open jupyter notebook, and choose Notebook:
    Python [conda env:fenicsproject]
  6. Test:
    from fenics import *