Chuan Lu (@orcuslc)


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Solutions to LeetCode with C++


Code for each problem: GitHub

  • (1) Two sum: Quicksort+Binary Search, Beat 100% cpp submissions;
  • (542) 01 Matrix: BFS using queue; Beat 60.72% cpp submissions;
  • (2) Add two numbers: save the result in the long linked list; Beat 78.48% cpp submissions;
  • (413) Arithmetic Slices: Dynamic Programming; Beat 15.54% cpp submissions;
  • (445) Use stacks to simulate the reversing of linked lists; Beat 20.60% cpp submissions;(测试了vector的表现, Beat 17.08% cpp submissions).
  • (561) 用反证法即可知, 只需升序排序后将每组的第一个数相加即可
  • (461) 位运算233333
  • (557) use stringstream class to handle i/o. (in fact it is okay to use stack/vector)
  • (500) Keyboard Row: use unordered_set, Beat 2.79%; use map, Beat 71.72%;
  • (3) Longest substring without repeating: DP with a hashmap saving the location info; Beat 79.09%;

  • (4) Median of two sorted arrays: 维护两个长度相等的部分, 每次搜索时把一个数从一个部分移至另一个部分, 再进行二分查找. 这两个部分满足: 左边部分的最大值小于等于右边部分的最小值. Beat 79.80%;
  • (5) DP; 记录以第i个元素为中心的长度. 记得处理连续的重复值. Beat 77.37%;

  • (13. Roman to Integer): 从右向左处理. Beat 66.28%.
  • (12. Integer to Roman): 写出10进制的Roman Number即可. Beat 72.06%;

  • (8) String to Integer: F**King test cases

  • (11) Container with most water: Assume min(a[i], a[j]) = a[i], then min(a[i], a[k]) <= a[i], for each k;

  • (575) Distribute Candies: Min(num_type, length/2); Beat 64.70%;
  • (566) Reshape the Matrix: Trivial; Beat 17.84%;

  • (14. Longest Common Prefix): simple compare; Beat 39.19%;
  • (17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number): Iterative; Beat 1.65%;
  • (21. Merge Two Sorted Lists): Beat 28.66%;
  • (24. Swap Nodes in Pairs ): use recursion instead of iterating; Beat 0.36%;
  • (46. Permutations ): Use recursion; Beat 84.39%;

  • (20. Valid Parentheses ): use stack; Beat 14.13%;
  • (22. Generate Parentheses ): recursion; Beat 13.97%;

  • (19. Remove Nth Node From End of List ): use two pointers to point to (the end of list) and (the n_th last node of the list); Beat 60.74%;
  • (27. Remove Element ): iteration; Beat 74.79%;
  • (26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array ): iteration; Beat 76.41%;

  • (344. Reverse String ): use swap(): Beat 19.37%; use stringstream: Beat 19.37%; use reverse: Beat 30.45%;

  • (476. Number Complement ): Bit operation; Beat 35.46%;
  • (412. Fizz Buzz ): Iteration; Beat 10.67%;
  • (496. Next Greater Element I ): 先对nums2找其每个元素的Next greater element, 方法为维护一个stack和一个unordered_map:
    1. 顺序遍历nums2, 对每个数, 循环: 如果它比当前栈顶元素大, 则pop栈顶
    2. unordered_map[栈顶] = 当前遍历元素. Beat 63.33%;
  • (463. Island Perimeter ): iteration; Beat 32.64%;
  • (485. Max Consecutive Ones ): dp; Beat 15.80%;
  • (136. Single Number ): XOR, a^b^a = b; Beat 36.16%;

  • (521. Longest Uncommon Subsequence I ): trivial; Beat 3.19%;

  • (598. Range Addition II ): return min(m)*min(n); Beat 28.57%;
  • (389. Find the Difference ): compare count; Beat 68.11%;
  • (167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted ): trivial; Beat 28.78%;
  • (128. Longest Consecutive Sequence ):

  • (517. Super Washing Machines ): 假设可以进行操作: 对于每一个元素, 起所需要的操作次数为
    1. 将其左边的项移至右边, 或将右边移至左边
    2. 将它自身移至左右两边 以保持左右两边的平衡; Beat 25.00%;
  • (520. Detect Capital ): trivial; Beat 40.08%
  • (599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists ):
    1. add a punishing weight(negative) to each value, the weight should be <= sum of size of two lists. Then the single ones should have a larger sum then double ones;
    2. use unordered_map and compare in the last. Beat 42.00%;
  • (442. Find All Duplicates in an Array ): Fantastic Solutions!!!
    1. Sort, O(n) time and O(1) space; Beat 6.85%;
    2. 遍历一遍列表, 对于每一个数i \in (1~n), 如果大于0则将列表中第i个数乘以-1. 遍历时检查, 如果第i个数为负数了, 则i为重复的数. Beat 96.01%;
  • (448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array ): same as 442; Beat 77.90%;

  • (42. Trapping Rain Water ): use a stack to remember left edges, compute each layer with the stack; Beat 63.24%;
  • (128. Longest Consecutive Sequence ): dynamic programming; unordered_map存储包含i的最大序列长度. 每次更新时:
    1. 如果i已存在, 则略过
    2. 否则, 更新mp[i]的数据为mp[i-1]+mp[i+1]+1, 更新dp为max(dp, mp[i]);
    3. 更新连续序列端点mp[i-mp[i-1]], mp[i+mp[i+1]]的数据为mp. (中间的无需更新). Beat 10.80%;
  • (50. Pow(x, n) ):
    1. Recursive; notice the INT_MIN for n; Beat 93.31%
    2. Iterative; Beat 29.63%;
  • (593. Valid Square ): Judge the four triangles are Right-Angle Isosceles triangles or not. Beat 24.46%.
  • (121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ): trivial; Beat 16.33%.
  • (257. Binary Tree Paths ): DFS; Beat 29.00%.

  • (43. Multiply Strings ): trivial; Beat 76.79%;
  • (66. Plus One ): trivial; Beat 18.72%;
  • (402. Remove K Digits ): Using stack; while(1): remove a latter digit if it is larger than its prodecessor. Beat
  • (112. Path Sum ): dfs; Beat 26.51%;
  • (111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree ): dfs; Beat 74.54%;

  • (506. Relative Ranks ): sort; Beat 62.42%;
  • (9. Palindrome Number ): split a number by half and compare the two parts; notice: negative numbers are not palindrome numbers; Beat 9.97%;
  • (617. Merge Two Binary Trees ): recursion; Beat 26.00%;
  • (606. Construct String from Binary Tree ): recursion; Beat 58.22%;
  • (455. Assign Cookies ): greedy; Beat 37.61%;

  • (371. Sum of Two Integers ): bit operation; Beat 34.45%;
  • (492. Construct the Rectangle ): trivial; Beat 32.95%;

  • (198. House Robber ): DP; Beat 60.18%;
  • (70. Climbing Stairs ): using recursion, TLE; using the expression of Fibonacci numbers, Beat 36.28%; using DP, Beat 36.28%;
  • (53. Maximum Subarray ): DP; Beat 21.86%;
  • (62. Unique Paths ): DP; Beat 2.78%;

  • (563. Binary Tree Tilt ): recursive; Beat 46.37%;
  • (523. Continuous Subarray Sum ): DP with unordered_set; Beat 52.76%;

  • (560. Subarray Sum Equals K ): DP, remember the prefix sum; check the number of prefix sums that equal to the result we need; Beat 85.11%;
  • (467. Unique Substrings in Wraparound String ): DP, remember the number of substrings starting with each letter; Beat

  • (357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits ): Math problem, check tables; Beat 35.50%;
  • (529. Minesweeper ): DFS, Beat 0.94%;
  • (515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row ): BFS with queue; Beat 26.16%;
  • (513. Find Bottom Left Tree Value ): BFS with queue; Beat 78.50%;

  • (576. Out of Boundary Paths ):
    1. DFS, TLE
    2. DP, the number of paths for N moves is the sum of N-1 moves starting from adjacent cells. Boundary conditions: the number of paths starting from cells outside the boundary is 1. Beat 45.67%;
  • (491. Increasing Subsequences ): Mid-order DFS with unordered_map to remember duplicate numbers; Beat 76.44%;
  • (494. Target Sum ):
    1. DFS, Beat 35.70%;
    2. DP,
  • (101. Symmetric Tree ):
    1. Iterative: BFS with two queues; Beat 27.79%;
    2. Recursive: Beat 1.63%;
  • (102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal ): BFS with queue; Beat 68.75%;
  • (103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal ): BFS with two stacks to simulate the reversal; Beat 29.88%;
  • (107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II ):
    1. Same as 102; Beat 21.05%;
    2. DFS; Beat 76.29%;
  • (199. Binary Tree Right Side View ):
    1. BFS, Beat 22.45%;
    2. DFS in Mid-order, Beat 1.54%;
  • (200. Number of Islands ): DFS with marking; Beat 31.92%;
  • (310. Minimum Height Trees ): 循环删除叶子节点和与叶子节点相连接的边, 直至剩下两个节点; Beat 13.89%;

  • (130. Surrounded Regions): 先从四条边上的’O’出发, 把相连的’O’标记为’A’; 然后把所有的’O’标记为’X’, 最后把’A’标记为’O’; Beat 29.04%;
  • (207. Course Schedule ): Toposort by BFS; Beat 41.65%;
  • (210. Course Schedule II ):
    1. Toposort by BFS, Beat 20.22%;
    2. Toposort by DFS, Beat 46.26%;
  • (98. Validate Binary Search Tree ): DFS; Beat 44.28%;

  • (547. Friend Circles ):
    1. DFS for finding connecting blocks; Beat 20.35%;
    2. Unionset.. tbd
  • (108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree ): recursion; Beat 32.44%;
  • (109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree ): recursion; Beat 50.33%;
  • (113. Path Sum II ): dfs; Beat 39.37%;

  • (337. House Robber III ): dfs(in fact, dp on a tree); beat 70.26%;
  • (473. Matchsticks to Square ): dfs; beat 59.15%;
  • (394. Decode String ): recursion; beat 1.58%;

  • (279. Perfect Squares ):
    1. Math problem using four square theorem and thre square theorem; Beat 94.72%;
    2. DP (each m = a^2 + b; then s(m) = s(b) + 1); beat 87.21%;
    3. BFS(consider as a graph and a shortest-road problem)
  • (637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree ):
    1. BFS, beat 10.55%;
    2. DFS, beat 34.52%;
  • (538. Convert BST to Greater Tree ): in-order reversed DFS, and maintain a value to save the sums before; beat 75.10%;
  • (453. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements ):
    • in fact, add n-1 elements by 1 is eqivlent to minus an element by 1; beat 23.45%;
    • beat 89.18% after an improvement to decrease the iteration;
  • (349. Intersection of Two Arrays ): trivial with unordered_set; beat 42.15%;

  • (530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST ): in-order traversal; beat 39.59%;
  • (383. Ransom Note ): trivial; beat 21.85%;
  • (404. Sum of Left Leaves ):
    1. recursion with dfs; beat 10.12%;
    2. iteration with bfs; beat 10.12%;
  • (169. Majority Element ):
    1. Moore’s voting theorem: beat 36.91%;
    2. hashtables: beat 60.86%;
    3. sorting and return mid; beat 21.44%;
    4. randomized algorithm…. beat 92.51%;
    5. divide-and-conquer; beat 48.95%;
    6. Bit Manipulation….(tbd)
  • (122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II ): total variation; beat 37.27%;
  • (387. First Unique Character in a String ): hashtables; beat 3.94%;
  • (409. Longest Palindrome ): trivial; beat 30.27%;
  • (206. Reverse Linked List ): iteration; beat 22.97%;
  • (628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers ): sorting; beat 52.71%;

  • (504. Base 7 ): trivial; beat 12.75%;
  • (367. Valid Perfect Square ): trivial; beat 10.08%;
  • (459. Repeated Substring Pattern ): trivial; beat 89.78%;
  • (118. Pascal’s Triangle ): trivial; beat 4.67%;
  • (350. Intersection of Two Arrays II ):
    1. hashtables: beat 14.08%;
    2. sort: beat 14.08;
  • (232. Implement Queue using Stacks ): using two stacks; beat 60.29%;
  • (119. Pascal’s Triangle II ): math problem; aware of overflow; beat 61.96%;
  • (434. Number of Segments in a String ):
    1. using stringstream; beat 1.07%;
    2. direct method; beat 1.07%;
  • (551. Student Attendance Record I ): trivial; beat 35.98%;
  • (343. Integer Break ): math problem; beat 37.58%;
  • (456. 132 Pattern ): maintain a stack S to save the candidates of s2. Iteration from the right side of the vector, for each element, pop all elements in S that are smaller then it. The last popped is the largest candidate of s3. If once an element is smaller then s3, then we find s1. math proof is trivial; beat 40.90%;
  • (31. Next Permutation ): start from the end of the vector, break if a[i-1] < a[i]; At this time a[i]> a[i+1] >... > a[n], then swap a[i-1] with the smallest element in a[i]> a[i+1] >... > a[n] which is greater than a[i-1]. In order to get the minimum permutation, we sort the new a[i]> a[i+1] >... > a[n] in ascending order. beat 43.69%;
  • (332. Reconstruct Itinerary ): Euler Path using unordered_map<string, multiset<string> > and unordered_map<string, unordered_map<string, int> >; beat 12.27%;
  • (208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) ): trivial; beat 76.80%;

  • (35. Search Insert Position ): bisearch; beat 40.15%;
  • (1. Two Sum ): hashmap; beat 54.77%;
  • (621. Task Scheduler ): trivial; beat 33.31%;
  • (565. Array Nesting ): DFS; beat 99.21%;
  • (611. Valid Triangle Number ): trivial; beat 90.51%;
  • (495. Teemo Attacking ): trivial; beat 74.43%;
  • (238. Product of Array Except Self ): forward-backward algorithm; beat 66.17%;
  • (216. Combination Sum III ): backtracking; beat 51.16%;
  • (153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array ): bisearch; beat 1.90%;

  • (537. Complex Number Multiplication ): trivial; beat 3.87%;
  • (419. Battleships in a Board ): count the beginning points; beat 2.01%;
  • (643. Maximum Average Subarray I ): trivial; beat 21.10%;
  • (605. Can Place Flowers ): extend the border; beat 78.93%;
  • (581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray ): trivial; beat 74.83%;
  • (532. K-diff Pairs in an Array ): use hashmap; beat 92.19%;
  • (414. Third Maximum Number ): use set; beat 22.79%;
  • (268. Missing Number ): sum the numbers; beat 92.08%;
  • (219. Contains Duplicate II ): using hashmap; beat 49.40%;
  • (189. Rotate Array ): trivial; beat 53.45%;
  • (88. Merge Sorted Array ): trivial; beat 12.24%;
  • (35. Search Insert Position ): bisearch(in fact, same as consecutive scanning); beat 10.80%;

  • (380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) ): use unordered_map to store position and vector to store each value; beat 96.59%;
  • (381. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed ): 一开始尝试用vector<int> numsunordered_map<int, vector<int> > pos来容纳数据, 但是测试发现remove操作时会出错. 研究结果显示, 错误来源是remove某个值时没有对其他值的位置进行更新. 改为vector<pair<int, int> > nums, 其中pair<int, int>.second表示pos[i]中的index, 则与上一题完全类似. beat 93.91%;
  • (209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum ): maintain a window expending to the right, when the sum in the window is over then s, expend the left border to right. beat 65.47%;
  • (162. Find Peak Element ): WTF??? What a strange problem! beat 13.28%;
  • (152. Maximum Product Subarray ): dp; beat 11.88%;
  • (41. First Missing Positive ): 一开始尝试用加法去计算剩下的数, 但是因为此数会重复和跳跃导致无法成功. 根据discussion中的做法, swap i with nums[i], 第一个不在正确位置上的数+1即为missing positive. beat 13.52%;
  • (45. Jump Game II ): since one can always reach the end, we solve it with greedy; beat 44.61%;
  • (228. Summary Ranges ): trivial; beat 35.29%;
  • (120. Triangle ): dp; beat 29.39%;
  • (90. Subsets II ): backtracking; beat 78.93%;
  • (81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II ): bisearch; beat 28.42%;

  • (57. Insert Interval ): trivial; beat 62.38%;
  • (648. Replace Words ): Trie Tree with modifying; runtime: 69ms;
  • (645. Set Mismatch ): hashmap; runtime: 69ms;
  • (74. Search a 2D Matrix ): bisearch on both sides; O(log(m)log(n)) time; beat 31.08%;
  • (75. Sort Colors ): sounds like the partition function in quicksort. beat 20.67%;
  • (78. Subsets ): backtracking; beat 21.59%;
  • (541. Reverse String II ): trivial; beat 17.92%;
  • (583. Delete Operation for Two Strings ): longest common substring; DP; beat 20.68%;

  • (64. Minimum Path Sum ): dp; beat 22.02%;
  • (63. Unique Paths II ): dp; beat 18.31%;
  • (73. Set Matrix Zeroes ): use the first row to save zero status; beat 52.43%;
  • (59. Spiral Matrix II ): four steps; beat 31.86%;
  • (34. Search for a Range ): bisearch; beat 42.22%;
  • (39. Combination Sum ): backtracking; beat 20.42%;
  • (40. Combination Sum II ): backtracking; beat 50.38%;

  • (636. Exclusive Time of Functions ): using stack; beat 45.23%;
  • (572. Subtree of Another Tree ): recursion; beat 46.93%;
  • (543. Diameter of Binary Tree ): recursion(tree depth); beat 2.12%;
  • (437. Path Sum III ): dfs; beat 35.44%;
  • (623. Add One Row to Tree ): bfs; beat 10.35%;
  • (235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree ): recursion; beat 12.84%;
  • (508. Most Frequent Subtree Sum ): traversal; beat 85.73%;
  • (154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II ): bisearch; beat 26.79%;
  • (79. Word Search ): backtracking; beat 74.33%;

  • (16. 3Sum Closest ): search by both sides; beat 17.32%;
  • (33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array ): bisearch; beat 42.82%;
  • (80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II ): trivial; beat 14.84%;
  • (56. Merge Intervals ): trivial; beat 50.08%;
  • (55. Jump Game ): DP; beat 62.57%;
  • (54. Spiral Matrix ): trivial; beat 1.58%;
  • (48. Rotate Image ): reverse the image and then swap the symmetric elements; beat 51.39%;
  • (229. Majority Element II ): vote theorem; beat 43.71%;
  • (131. Palindrome Partitioning ): backtracking; beat 69.75%;

  • (450. Delete Node in a BST ): recursion; beat 73.82%;
  • (173. Binary Search Tree Iterator ): using stack; beat 5.74%;

  • (260. Single Number III ):
    1. sort; beat 6.45%;
    2. since only two elements appear once, and all others appear twice, if we XOR all the elements in the array, we get the value of x^y, in which x, y are the elements appearing once. Since the two elements are not the same, those positions where x^y = 1 means x and y has a different bitset here. tbd…
  • (451. Sort Characters By Frequency ): unordered_map and a vector for saving frequency strings; beat 34.60%;
  • (462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II ): It is easy to proof that it reach a minimum move if we move all the values to the median of the array; beat 53.10%;
  • (347. Top K Frequent Elements ): Bucket Sort; beat 64.75%;
  • (384. Shuffle an Array ): trivial; beat 37.88%;
  • (382. Linked List Random Node ): Accept-Refuse sampling; beat 84.36%;
  • (94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal ): using stack; beat 73.49%;
  • (498. Diagonal Traverse ): trivial; beat 55.88%;
  • (374. Guess Number Higher or Lower ): bisearch(avoiding overflow); beat 0.39%;

  • (144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal ): same as 94; beat 1.05%;
  • (647. Palindromic Substrings ): dp; dp[i][j] = (s[i] == s[j]) && (j - i <= 2 || dp[i+1][j-1]); beat 66.16%;

  • (133. Clone Graph ):
    1. dfs; beat 49.19%;
    2. bfs, tbd;
  • (125. Valid Palindrome ): trivial; beat 28.64%;
  • (151. Reverse Words in a String ): reverse the whole string, then reverse each word; beat 13.27%;
  • (165. Compare Version Numbers ): trivial; beat 51.16%;
  • (227. Basic Calculator II ): trivial, add ‘+’ on both sides; beat 24.42%;
  • (345. Reverse Vowels of a String ): using find_first_of and find_last_of; beat 43.62%;

  • (72. Edit Distance ): DP; beat 45.55%;
  • (539. Minimum Time Difference ): sorting; beat 41.99%;
  • (609. Find Duplicate File in System ): using unordered_map; beat 70.25%;
  • (553. Optimal Division ): trivial; beat 5.17%;
  • (67. Add Binary ): trivial; beat 25.01%;
  • (58. Length of Last Word ): reverse; beat 37.07%;
  • (38. Count and Say ): trivial; beat 28.395;
  • (28. Implement strStr() ): KMP; tbd…
  • (556. Next Greater Element III ): change to a string problem; beat 1.09%;
  • (468. Validate IP Address ): f**king test cases!!!!!! beat 13.57%;
  • (49. Group Anagrams ): using prime factor decomposition as hash maps; beat 99.79%;
  • (15. 3Sum ): a quick method from both sides to the middle; beat 42.87%;

  • (18. 4Sum ): same as 3Sum; beat 24.74%;
  • (60. Permutation Sequence ): recursively construct the result; beat 55.93%;
  • (61. Rotate List ): two pointers; beat 40.44%;
  • (93. Restore IP Addresses ): DFS; beat 87.78%;
  • (231. Power of Two ):
    1. iterative: beat 31.25%;
    2. recursive: beat 31.25%;
    3. bit operation: beat
  • (263. Ugly Number ): trivial; beat 4.00%;
  • (83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List ): trivial; beat 10.84%;
  • (594. Longest Harmonious Subsequence ): hashmap; beat 49.59%;
  • (202. Happy Number ): trivial; beat 12.04%;

  • (501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree ): in-order traversal; beat 15.08%;
  • (482. License Key Formatting ): trivial; beat 31.53%;
  • (650. 2 Keys Keyboard ): DP;(wondering how to use static member values;) beat 31.15%;
  • (507. Perfect Number ): trivial(waring of TLE); beat 48.08%;
  • (438. Find All Anagrams in a String ): sliding window; beat 83.29%;
  • (205. Isomorphic Strings ): using two unordered_map to simulate a one-to-one function; beat 9.80%;
  • (172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes ): trivial, count the 5-factors; beat 13.09%;
  • (141. Linked List Cycle ): two pointers; beat 39.74%;
  • (96. Unique Binary Search Trees ): dp; 考虑由i为顶点的BST, 其数量为(1~i-1)构造的树的数量*(i+1~n)构造的树的数量. beat 26.93%;
  • (435. Non-overlapping Intervals ): greedy; beat 31.46%;
  • (386. Lexicographical Numbers ): trivial; beat 99.79%;

  • (640. Solve the Equation ): trivial; beat 77.25%;
  • (416. Partition Equal Subset Sum ):
    1. DFS; TLE…
    2. DP, tbd..
  • (526. Beautiful Arrangement ): backtracking; beat 49.94%;
  • (211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design ): backtracking with Trie Tree; beat 45.73%;
  • (140. Word Break II ):
    1. backtracking with Trie tree; TLE…
    2. with check, still TLE…..
    3. DFS with memorization (in fact it is just DP); beat 52.30%;
  • (77. Combinations ): DP, using C_n^k = C_{n-1}^{k-1}+C_{n-1}^k;, tbd…
  • (655. Print Binary Tree ): preorder traversal; beat 0.00%;
  • (436. Find Right Interval ): using map.lower_bound; beat 72.90%;
  • (334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence ): trivial; beat 22.67%;
  • (390. Elimination Game ): trivial; beat 9.21%;

  • (646. Maximum Length of Pair Chain ): greedy; beat 16.76%;
  • (540. Single Element in a Sorted Array ): bisearch; beat 23.73%;
  • (338. Counting Bits ): dp; beat 56.79%;
  • (398. Random Pick Index ): random sampling(for infinity stream); beat 52.82%;
  • (524. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting ): substrings; beat 69.12%;
  • (516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence ): dp; beat 90.84%;
  • (319. Bulb Switcher ): a bulb would be ioen if and only if it can be divided by odd number of factors, which means it is a complete-square number; beat 3.11%;
  • (240. Search a 2D Matrix II ): same as two-pointers; beat 64.79%;

  • (424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement ): sliding window; beat 57.32%;
  • (525. Contiguous Array ): hashmap for presum; beat 2.92%;
  • (155. Min Stack ): in push(): if pushing a new val would change the Min, push the old Min; in pop(): if popping the Min, then Min should be the oldest min before Min; pop again to get that; beat 76.87%;
  • (303. Range Sum Query - Immutable ): using presum; beat 34.85%;

  • (290. Word Pattern ): two hashmaps; beat 48.81%;
  • (225. Implement Stack using Queues ): trivial using one queue; beat 0.86%;
  • (203. Remove Linked List Elements ): trivial; beat 35.03%;
  • (368. Largest Divisible Subset ): memorized DP(with backtracking for result); beat 83.19%;

  • (416. Partition Equal Subset Sum ):
    1. dfs; TLE..
    2. DP; beat 72.72%;
  • (474. Ones and Zeroes ): DP; (NOTICE: initializing of arrays in C++ !!!) beat 59.62%;
  • (300. Longest Increasing Subsequence ): dp; beat 29.19%;
  • (397. Integer Replacement ):
    1. DP; Runtime Error when Input is 10000000;
    2. recursion; beat 16.89%;
  • (139. Word Break ):
    1. DFS; TLE
    2. DP; beat 72.93%;
  • (82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II ):
    1. recursive: beat 6.05%;
    2. iterative: beat
  • (486. Predict the Winner ): DP(notice that the max solution of a subgame[i, j] is the element on one side plus the min solution of the rest subgame); beat 31.92%;

  • (376. Wiggle Subsequence ): DP(two cases); beat
  • (322. Coin Change ):
    1. DP( Why Init with memset will lead to a fault of visiting wrong RAM address?); beat 54.00%;
    2. memorized DFS; TBD
  • (309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown ): DP(three status); beat 35.60%;

  • (304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable ): similar to presum; beat 88.65%;
  • (264. Ugly Number II ): dp(three cases); beat 41.01%;
  • (221. Maximal Square ): dp(dp[i][j] represents max length of square with its right-down vertex on [i][j]); beat 18.88%;
  • (213. House Robber II ): dp(four cases); beat 56.92%;
  • (289. Game of Life ): use two bits to represent status of (future, now); beat 87.27%;
  • (84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram ):
    1. DP(dp[i][j] represents max height of rectangles between i and j), O(n^2) time; Runtime Error;
    2. using a stack to memorize heights and compute the largest area of height x; beat 81.43%;
  • (123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III ): dp; beat 39.92%;

  • (168. Excel Sheet Column Title ):
    1. recursive: beat 0.41%;
    2. iterative: beat 22.73%;
  • (278. First Bad Version ): bisearch; beat 28.15%;
  • (654. Maximum Binary Tree ): according to discussion(using a stack to build the tree in linear time); beat 64.97%;
  • (454. 4Sum II ): using a map; beat 48.05%;
  • (36. Valid Sudoku ): trivial; beat 36.70%;
  • (447. Number of Boomerangs ): use hashmap; beat 94.85%;
  • (187. Repeated DNA Sequences ): use hashmap; beat 92.60%;

  • (166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal ): use hashmap to memorize the start position of loops; beat 3.49%;
  • (138. Copy List with Random Pointer ): use two hashmaps to implement this function: (Node->label –> Node->label –> Node in the copy); beat 24.18%;
  • (204. Count Primes ): Sieve…; beat 67.40%;
  • (274. H-Index ): bucket sort; beat 18.97%;
  • (554. Brick Wall ): hashmaps; beat 51.52%;
  • (76. Minimum Window Substring ): sliding window; (why i < s.size() will cause fault when i < (int)s.size() is correct?????) beat 64.79%;
  • (324. Wiggle Sort II ): (how to do this in-place?) beat 16.77%;
  • (179. Largest Number ): sort; beat 39.90%;

  • (147. Insertion Sort List ): add a null node as beginning; beat 83.70%;
  • (148. Sort List ): merge sort; beat 48.69%;
  • (328. Odd Even Linked List ): two pointers; beat 38.58%;
  • (142. Linked List Cycle II ): two pointers; Assume dist(head, entry) = l1, dist(circle) = c, dist(entry, slow) = l2(when slow and fast meet), then l1+l2+n*c = 2(l1+l2), which means l1 == (c-l2) (mod c); then let head and slow going through, until they meet. beat 40.87%;
  • (633. Sum of Square Numbers ): two pointers; beat 77.60%;

  • (160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists ): look at annotation; beat 78.22%;
  • (143. Reorder List ):
    1. reverse each sublist(1~n, 2~n, …), TLE… O(n^2) algorithm…
    2. reverse the last half, then merge; beat 23.10%;
  • (86. Partition List ): beat 22.85%;
  • (326. Power of Three ):
    1. using max power of 3 (in range of int) to divide n; if can be divided, then ok; beat 22.01%;
  • (400. Nth Digit ): trivial; beat 8.20%;
  • (423. Reconstruct Original Digits from English ): really interesting; beat 35.31%;
  • (396. Rotate Function ): trivial; beat 42.25%;
  • (372. Super Pow ): Euler’s theorem + quick pow; beat 94.87%;
  • (365. Water and Jug Problem ): look at notes; beat 39.76%;
  • (313. Super Ugly Number ): pointers; beat 81.98%;

  • (657. Judge Route Circle ): trivial; beat 40.89%;

  • (299. Bulls and Cows ): hashmap; beat 70.02%;
  • (503. Next Greater Element II ): DP; beat 46.10%;
  • (385. Mini Parser ): using stack; beat 45.21%;
  • (331. Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree ): using stack; beat 69.25%;
  • (150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation ): using stack; beat 23.51%;
  • (71. Simplify Path ): using getline() to simplify code; beat 31.82%;
  • (567. Permutation in String ): sliding window; beat 55.54%;
  • (592. Fraction Addition and Subtraction ): using streamstring too simplify; beat 20.00%;
  • (452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons ): greedy; beat 34.06%;

  • (392. Is Subsequence ): two-pointers; beat 19.96%;
  • (399. Evaluate Division ): dfs with memorization; beat 76.52%;
  • (129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers ): dfs; beat 1.66%;

  • (475. Heaters ): two-pointers; beat 5.58%;
  • (405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal ): trivial; beat 5.10%;

  • (649. Dota2 Senate ): greedy; beat 39.04%;
  • ()
  • (660. Remove 9 ): just change a decimal number to its base-9 representation; beat
  • (273. Integer to English Words ): trivial; beat 3.47%;
  • (312. Burst Balloons ): dp; beat 87.78%;
  • (664. Strange Printer ): dp; beat 40.00%;
  • (354. Russian Doll Envelopes ): dp; beat 52.03%;

  • (552. Student Attendance Record II ): dp(why does long a[n+1] = {0} will case runtime error??); beat 75.20%;

  • (514. Freedom Trail ): dp; beat 21.31%

  • (28. Implement strStr() ): brute-force; beat 91.22%;
  • (306. Additive Number ): trivial; beat 45.82%;
  • (222. Count Complete Tree Nodes ):
    1. BFS; TLE…
    2. DFS; TLE…
    3. O((log n)^2), beat 96.48%;
  • (190. Reverse Bits ): bit mask; beat 34.44%;
  • (236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree ): recursion; beat 60.55%;
  • (134. Gas Station ): see comments in the code; beat 26.88%;

  • (275. H-Index II ): bisearch; beat 65.01%;
  • (239. Sliding Window Maximum ): use deque to store index; beat 54.69%;

  • (223. Rectangle Area ): de Morgan’s theorem; beat 2.12%;

  • (91. Decode Ways ): DP; beat 12.83%;
  • (639. Decode Ways II ): DP(only with more side-conditions); beat 11.98%;
  • (47. Permutations II ): backtracking; beat 28.92%;

  • (600. Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones ): dp; beat 87.58%;
  • (342. Power of Four ):
    1. log2; beat 29.59%;
    2. use pow of 2, and do some rid; beat 1.94%;
  • (212. Word Search II ):
    1. DFS; TLE(&& WA, since Input words may duplicate)
    2. DFS with Trie; beat 79.98%;
  • (673. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence ): DP with two vector storing maxLen and maxCount; beat 90.15%;

  • (124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum ): DP; beat 62.06%;
  • (220. Contains Duplicate III ): Sliding window; beat 88.36%;

  • ( 676. Implement Magic Dictionary ): Trie Tree + DFS; beat 18.19%;

  • ( 336. Palindrome Pairs ): Map and split the words into two parts; beat 86.88%;
  • ( 393. UTF-8 Validation ): DFS; beat 26.52%;

  • ( 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group ): recursion; beat 85.67%;
  • ( 77. Combinations ):
    1. generate ALL subsets; beat 4.11%;
    2. backtracking; beat 67.35%;
  • (682. Baseball Game): using a stack; beat 12.90%;

  • (30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words): using two unordered_map to store count; beat 45.63%;
  • ( 87. Scramble String ): simple recursion; beat 68.83%;
  • ( 671. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree ): dfs; beat 64.46%;

  • ( 318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths ): using bitmap to save the existence of each letter; (1 « (c-‘a’)); Notice: & < == in computing; beat 89.63%;

  • ( 665. Non-decreasing Array ): kind of greedy; beat 22.23%;
  • ( 373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums ): FAILED; NEED TO REVIEW PRIORITY-QUEUE/HEAP; using priority_queue; beat 83.44%;

  • ( 287. Find the Duplicate Number ): regrad it as a graph with circle; find out the entrance of the circle; beat 57.31%;

  • ( 377. Combination Sum IV ): dfs failed since permutations matter; dp, beat 60.88%;
  • ( 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST ): in-order traversal; beat 14.87%;

  • ( 464. Can I Win ): memorized dfs; use a hash function to hash vector<int> to int; beat 40.80%;
  • ( 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix ): memorized dfs; beat 34.92%;
  • ( 403. Frog Jump ): failed to use pair<int, int> as a key of unordered_map; memorized dfs; beat 14.91%;

  • ( 692. Top K Frequent Words ): bucket sort; beat 82.45%;

  • ( 679. 24 Game ): backtracking; beat 48.48%;

  • ( 410. Split Array Largest Sum ): A binary search in the solution space; beat 35.65%;
  • ( 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node ): recursion; beat 30.55%;

  • ( 677. Map Sum Pairs ): Trie; beat 25.00%;
  • ( 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree ): pre-order traversal; beat
  • ( 335. Self Crossing ): Interesting! x[i] can only cross x[i-3], x[i-4], x[i-5]. beat 35.64%;

  • ( 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height ): sort and then insert; beat 50.93%;
  • ( 658. Find K Closest Elements ):
    1. two sorts; beat 16.74%;
    2. bisearch; beat 98.77%;
  • ( 89. Gray Code ): induction; beat 44.10%;

  • ( 674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence ): trivial; beat 22.43%;
  • ( 330. Patching Array ):
    1. Direct greedy method; beat 33.56%;
    2. DP; beat 33.56%;
  • ( 92. Reverse Linked List II ): New a ListNode before head in case to avoid Runtime Error; beat 0.62%;
  • ( 201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range ): bit op; beat 85.17%;

  • ( 174. Dungeon Game ): DP; beat 31.13%;

  • ( 295. Find Median from Data Stream ): two heaps, small: Max Heap; large: Min Heap(use negative values to pretend the min heap); beat 62.67%;
  • ( 127. Word Ladder ): bfs; beat 20.80%;
  • ( 191. Number of 1 Bits ):
    1. just a bitwise and; beat 26.03%;
  • ( 115. Distinct Subsequences ):
    1. DFS; TLE;
    2. DP; beat 26.50%;
  • ( 669. Trim a Binary Search Tree ): recursion; beat 42.63%;
  • (690. Employee Importance):
    1. bfs; beat 9.23%;
    2. dfs; beat 10.17%;
  • ( 684. Redundant Connection ): Union Set; beat 27.39%;
  • ( 685. Redundant Connection II ): Union Set; beat 26.48%;

  • (68. Text Justification ): trivial; beat 51.03%;
  • (661. Image Smoother ): trivial; beat 79.52%;

  • ( 460. LFU Cache ): unordered_map + linked list; beat 52.40%;
  • ( 670. Maximum Swap ): dp; beat 13.84%;

  • ( 363. Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K ): similar with POJ 1050; beat 81.25%;

  • ( 321. Create Maximum Number ): kind of merge sort; beat 41.99%;

  • ( 678. Valid Parenthesis String ): use the range; beat 85.45%;

  • ( 375. Guess Number Higher or Lower II ): dp; beat 51.30%;

  • ( 23. Merge k Sorted Lists ):
    1. brute-force: O(nk); beat 23.41%
  • (97. Interleaving String): dp; beat 97.40%;
  • (787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops): dp; beat 39.80%;

  • (801. Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing): dp; beat
  • (746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs): dp; beat 20.83%;
  • (740. Delete and Earn): dp, transform to a take-skip problem; beat 60.86%;

  • (790. Domino and Tromino Tiling): dp; beat 43.15%;
  • ()