Chuan Lu (@orcuslc)


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Solutions to POJ


Code for each problem: GitHub

The followings are summaries to each problem.

  • 1000: trivial
  • 1001: Not submitted yet
  • 1002: Used a large array; Going to replace with a hash table
  • 1003: Math problem, with a binary search
  • 1004: Math problem with formatted output
  • 1005: Simple math problem
  • 1006: A number theory problem
  • 1007: Merge sort to count reversed pairs; insertion sort for output
  • 1008: Math Problem; used <map> to create hash tables;(Checked discussion to correct the wrong answer)
  • 1009: Checked We can know that, changing points in the output image are all located in the neighbourhood of changing points in the input image; use STL map and vector.
  • 1011: DFS; Used a jumping skill to shorten the search time.
  • 1010: DFS; (注意! 题目里说邮票种数不超过25, 但是judge时是会超过25的! 我说怎么总是WA….)
  • 1013: 1. If one line is even, then all coins in this line is TRUE. 2. Scan through the three lines, jump over the TRUE coins; 2’. for those in the up side, their count –; for the down side, count++. (To distinguish between the up and down cases) 3. The coin with the largest count(under abs) is the fake one. 4. Notes: when using {switch, case}, remember to add BREAK!;
  • 1014: DFS;
  • 1017: Trivial; Handle from large to small;
  • 1012: Simulation with mathematial optimization;
  • 1028: Use stack(in fact use linked-table is ok.);
  • 1029: Simple Math problem; use long instead of int;
  • 1088: dynamic programming;
  • 1016: Used stringstream;
  • 1001: DEBUGGING…..; PS: 0^0 = 1?????? WTF?????
  • 1035: 本来想用快排+二分搜索/HashTable的,但是题目要求按照输入字典顺序排序,只能顺序查找了…开始用G++编译结果TLE了,后来换成C++就AC了…
  • 1032: Math problem; trivial;
  • 1046: Trivial Problem, 但是碰到Presentation Error了>..<检查后才发现输出时多了五个空格>.<
  • 1050: DP; 把二维数组踩扁为一维来处理;(踩扁也为一个DP过程)
  • 1080: DP;
  • 1029: Same as 1013 (slightly different)
  • 1061: Math Problem
  • 1045: Math Problem
  • 1026: Permutation groups;
  • 1068: Use Stacks to count;
  • 1065: Sort by length first, then count the max decreasing subsequence of weight;

  • 1047: Math Problem; (used the string multiplication of 1001.cpp)
  • 1056: Trie Tree; 插入时判断是否有前缀或者为前缀.